
11 Local engagement, sponsorship and partnerships

In accordance with the Schwyzer Kantonalbank Act Section 3 Purpose 2, SZKB must contribute to balanced and sustainable development of the Canton of Schwyz, taking the needs of the general public, the economy and the public sector into account in particular. This gives great importance to the local commitment in terms of culture, sport, social issues and the local economy.

To consolidate common interests, SZKB is involved in various organisations. The Bank is convinced that this will enable synergies to be exploited and effectiveness to be improved.

SZKB strives to keep the added value of the services it procures inside the Canton or in Switzerland, thus ensuring benefits to the local economy in the Canton. The distances are short, we know the suppliers and service providers, and we speak the same language.

SZKB is particularly concerned with taking local companies, institutions and associations into consideration in the procurement of promotional items and campaign material as well as when awarding sponsorships. In its procurement activities, SZKB adheres to the following principles: Consideration of local business partners, transparency and partnership-based cooperation, social responsibility (including respect for human rights), environmental responsibility, economic efficiency and product-specific requirements. In regular internal training sessions, employees entrusted with the procurement of advertising materials are trained on SZKB’s principles. In regular exchange inside and outside the organisation, expenditure on a range of advertising and campaign material is critically scrutinised, and procurement is put to the test on a regular basis. 

SZKB’s business activities include production of various informational and advertising materials. These include printed matter such as flyers, brochures and booklets, as well as various promotional and advertising items and giveaways. There is a process for printed matter that clarifies in detail whether printed matter is necessary at all and whether it can be dispensed with for the sake of the environment. The production of printed matter uses only 100% recycled paper, with compensation for the associated CO2 emitted during production, printing and transport. The printers with whom SZKB works are all located in Switzerland.

Place of productionNumberVolume in CHFShare in %
Canton of Schwyz121189'44151.8%
Outside Switzerland (purchase of images online)13500.1%


SZKB sees value and quality as extremely important when it comes to promotional items and giveaways. Promotional gifts are sourced exclusively from suppliers in Switzerland, with most of them coming from the Canton of Schwyz. Care is taken to ensure that promotional products and gifts are produced in Switzerland and Europe, that the items are produced under fair conditions, and that materials that conserve resources are used.

When manufacturing promotional items, SZKB seeks to work with institutions that offer employment opportunities to people with disabilities. In this context, SZKB cooperates with the BSZ Foundation in various ways.

Place of purchase of promotional gifts and itemsNumberVolume in CHFShare in %
Canton of Schwyz3594'80541.9%
Outside Switzerland000.0%

SZKB also prefers to work with local providers when it comes to advertising campaigns. The international share in the campaigns is exclusively the advertising presence on digital channels. Otherwise, the money spent on SZKB’s adertising campaigns benefits Switzerland (44.4%) and the Canton of Schwyz (52%).


Advertisign of campaignsNumberVolume in CHFShare in %
Canton Schwyz301834'03752.0%
Switzerland 118712'21444.4%
Outside Switzerland (all online)1258'5813.7%


Advertisements/image advertising (SZKB background noise with posters, radio, TV and print ads)NumberVolume in CHFShare in %
Canton Schwyz173186'86132.1%
Abroad (all online)37'0141.2%


SZKB has always had close ties with the Canton of Schwyz. As a sign of its proximity to the local community, the Bank focuses on local events/sponsorships that are embedded in the region and generate added value. Sponsorships are awarded and contributions are made in the areas of culture/customs, society, economy, tourism, sport and nature. As the leading financial institution in the Canton of Schwyz, SZKB actively assumes responsibility towards society.

In the awarding of sponsorships, SZKB ensures that the events and those responsible uphold values such as fairness and taking social and environmental responsibility and also adhere to applicable ethical standards.

SZKB is a highly sought partner thanks to its strong presence in the Canton of Schwyz and its proximity to clients. In 2022, it processed 715 applications for sponsorship and contribution applications and awarded a total of nearly CHF 0.9 million. All of these commitments are spread across the entire Cantonal territory for the benefit of local associations and institutions.

SZKB uses various channels to actively communicate its sponsorship. These channels include the Bank’s website, publications such as the Sustainability Report and posts on social media, as well as brochures and ads. The Bank provides information on the sponsorship conditions, makes application forms available, transparently lists examples of sponsorship commitments in all categories and names the contact person.

Grafik Anzahl bewilligte Sponsoringleistungen aus Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022

Grafik Sponsoringleistungen nach Kategorie aus Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022

SZKB is a member of the following organisations: 

  • ACI Suisse
  • Schwyzer Wirtschaftsverband (Schwyz Business Association)
  • Ferien- und Sportregion Ybrig (Ybrig Holiday and Sports Region)
  • Finnova-Kantonalbanken (Finnova Cantonal Banks)
  • Forum für Management & Optimierung Banking (Forum for Management & Optimisation Banking) (FFMO.ch)
  • Gewerbe plus (Trade plus)
  • Gewerbeverein Brunnen-Ingenbohl (Brunnen-Ingenbohl Trade Association)
  • Gewerbeverein Muotathal (Muotathal Trade Association)
  • Gewerbeverein Schwyz (Schwyz Trade Association)
  • IGKG Schwyz (Association for Basic Commercial Training Schwyz)
  • Industrie- und Handelskammer Zentralschweiz IHZ (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Central Switzerland)
  • INSEAD Alumni Association CH
  • Interessengemeinschaft der Kantonalbanken für die Personalentwicklung IGK (Interest Group of the Cantonal Banks for Human Resources Development)
  • JCI Junior Chamber International Ausserschwyz
  • KMU Frauen Schwyz (SME Women Schwyz)
  • Schweizerische Bankiervereinigung SBVg (Swiss Bankers Association)
  • Schweizerische Management Gesellschaft (Swiss Management Society)
  • Schwyz Next
  • Schwyzer Wirtschaftsverband H+I (Schwyz Business Association H+I)
  • SIV Schweizer Immobilienschätzer-Verband (SIV Swiss Association of Real Estate Valuers)
  • Stiftung für Fachempfehlungen zur Rechnungslegung (Foundation for Professional Accounting Recommendations)
  • Swiss CRM Institute AG
  • Swiss Finance Institute – Alumni Association
  • Swiss Risk Association
  • Swiss Sustainable Finance
  • Thought Leaders Institute
  • Verband Schweizerischer Kantonalbanken (Association of Swiss Cantonal Banks)
  • Verein Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug (Association Institute for Financial Services Zug
  • Verein Netzwerk Arbeit Kanton Schwyz (Association Network Work Canton Schwyz)
  • Verein Successio (Successio Association)
  • Zentralschweizer Public Relations Gesellschaft (Public Relations Society of Central Switzerland)
  • ZfU – Zentrum für Unternehmensführung AG (Centre for Corporate Governance)

The Innovation Foundation of SZKB is an established and successful venture capital investor for young technology companies. As a lead investor, the Innovation Foundation provides seed financing starting at CHF 0.2 million. SZKB made its endowment capital of CHF 20 million available in 2006. The Innovation Foundation is managed by an entrepreneurial Board of Trustees and is financially, legally and strategically independent of SZKB in its operations.

SZKB supports the Schwyz Mentoring Programme. The Schwyz Mentoring Programme is based on a partnership that came into being in spring 2022 between the SZKB, the Women’s Network of the Canton of Schwyz, SME Women Schwyz, the Schwyz Next business platform, the Schwyz Business Association H+I, the Schwyz Hospital and the Schwyz University of Teacher Education. The objective of the programme is to assist young women who are getting starting in their careers through mentors from various industries who offer their skills, knowledge and resources in order to:

  • Help with career planning
  • Draw attention to the benefits of networking
  • Accompany them as they reflect on reconciling work and family
  • Raise awareness of occupational pension issues

In the next one to two years, SZKB will be examining membership in other organisations that contribute to a more sustainable world.